Proofreading, editing, and modernized your piece of content is a necessity in your strategic content efforts to turn it into a long form, sensible and read–worthy masterpiece your audience would be love to engage with.
Probably you go through only top quality blogs (because only those blogs rank well, thanks to the Google’s advanced algorithm), but my day-to-day research work (because I use advanced search operators) take me to the countless anonymous blogs full of spell mistakes and illogical grammar make me leave those blogs very early resulting them a high bounce rate. If they focus on grammar, prove their sayings based on extensive research, and think of their readers’ requirements, they can get new visitors and a great ratio of returning readers.
Redrafting and Editing for Ideas
The first phaseis to look closely at your post ideas.
- Check your plan. Have you omitted anything that you need to include?
- Have you actually followed through on the promises you made to your readers with the topic title/introduction?
If your aim is to be persuasive, have you convinced them your points?
If your aim is to be creative, is your content interesting?
If your aim is to explain, is your article clear and concise?
There’s nothing wrong with modifying your point of view once you study a subject, but it is wrong to disappoint your reader’s expectations by arguing a different case from the post title/introduction – don’t stray off the topic and maintain your authoritative position as an author as you ‘investigate’ or ‘follow’ up on your points.
Redrafting and Editing for Structure
The second step is to look closely at your structure and ensure that the ideas develop logic and the whole piece is fluent. These are just a few simple questions that can help you verify the coherency of your content;
- Does your introduction lead logically to the body of the writing piece?
- Have you included all the links between paragraphs to make sure that your written piece is fluent?
- Can your reader read this piece without stopping and starting to see where each point leads? If not, make sure that you edit your piece so that your reader is guided smoothly through-out the post.
You should be aware that making a written piece fluent is majorly dependent on how you use “linking words”. Build up a bank of linking words and phrases to help you mark a logical conjunction of points. There are literally thousands of linking words in the English language but there are few that I use regularly; firstly or finally, furthermore, moreover, to conclude.
Editing for Expression, Grammar and Spelling
If I was asked to define “redraft and edit” in just one sentence it would be; the process you commit to make sure that you do not distract your reader from what you have written. This may seem an obvious thing to say since you want the reader to concentrate on your writing that you have put such time and effort into, but many writers make the mistake of leaving in spelling mistakes and typing errors that inevitably interrupt the reader’s appreciation of what you have to say.
Don’t be lazy to fix up your spelling mistakes and grammar structures – you should spend time on writing your content and equally time on editing. Make sure you check your expression and your writing in an appropriate tone relative to the content.
Lastly, I just want to emphasize that you should never neglect to check spelling, grammar, and punctuation for accuracy. A simple change of words can make your content that much clearer, that bit more effective and much more memorable.
A freelance content writer who want to travel all over the world and start her travel agency; She is foodie and fashion lover yet serious for her writing work at