SEO & Web Service

Magento Mobile App Design

Well, as you’d like to expect that savvy webmasters do want a piece of that cake, and they’re betting on Magento for the treat. It’s all behind the WooCommerce, according to a report suggest that’s also has been an 18 percent market share, and Magento is the second most used eCommerce platform at 12 percent market share.

Although the custom magento development services are also currently experiencing rapid growth. And the platform is growing three times faster than its peers.

And it’s not the end because reports also suggest that there are still some factors some people are adopting from 2016, now Magento’s merchant base would have grown by a whopping 200 percent. Also, a great estimation has achieved if you consider this that it grew by 100 percent from 2017 through 2018 alone.

Meanwhile, Magento is also running currently the number one B2B eCommerce platform. Moreover, if you see that the magento mobile app developers and designers are making mistakes that cost them conversions and profits.

Let’s see further more details below briefly. 

Stuffed UI and Poor UX

The important factor that everybody focuses on this way that clutter can kill your Magento mobile app design before you even get started. So, you need to make it simple. Especially when it comes to Shopify or another online store because people spend about four minutes on mobile. 

However, you need to make your markup on a potential shopper. So, in this way, there’s a chance with clutter. Although you don’t want to create a bland design. There’s approximately everything need to be done. You have to balance things. Particularly, if you want that your app must need to interactive experience that leads them to make a purchase.

So, according to the above case, how do you strike a balance? Or further how do you achieve an interactive user interface and avoid clutter? 

The study suggests that the Baymard Institute found out that 40 percent of eCommerce sites didn’t offer zooming features like double-tap or image pinching. Although, those sites experienced high bounce rates.

According to the study, some websites are close-up versions of their product images, but they don’t support zooming gesture suffered poor conversions. Although the primary issue is using low-resolution images; they are equal to nothing as users can’t see a product’s details.

Moreover, the expert Magento developers and mobile app designers also indicate the extraordinary features are present. Meanwhile, 50 percent of apps that offered the feature didn’t indicate that they did.

And there are few times like shoppers are not ready to purchase but still, they want to save the cart for later. Similarly, according to eMarketer, that’s the case with 56 percent of shoppers.

However, if you want to put a reminder display on their desktop you can easily do it to encourage them to complete.

The other important point is to define the design matrix with focus on the thumb boosts conversion, improves user engagement to make navigation easy. More so, you want your design to put critical user elements in the Natural area of the “Thumb Zone”.

And in this case, the customers shouldn’t have a hard time access anything you’d want to do on your app.

And sometimes we see new changes and if a user wants to see what the product looks like in a different color, size, with an extra feature, etc.

Although the microinteractions help buyers experience the product in full, without much effort. But this type of user experience doesn’t stop with product features.

In my point of view if the customers can enjoy the benefits of Microinteractions or if they can easily rate, like, or compare a product. Although the goal is simple to provide the user with the most intuitive experience possible.

Create Forms that Match UX Best Practices

We all know that a lot of Magento mobile app designers and developers do not pay attention to form elements, it hurts their conversions.

And here you can see some awesome points sin given below that the UX best practices for form designs.

  • These points are useful for mobile developers because place form field labels above form fields: However the customers would see the labels more easily, and it reduces the likelihood of error.
  • The second step is to keep short explainers: in this case the small explainers to tell users why you’re collecting specific information; doing this can boost form conversions too.
  • Keep it short: You have to set the limit the number that need to fill or that they even see at all. It helps you a lot and you can easily enable invisible auto-fill extra data, without requiring users to fill them manually.
  • The other vital point here is to raise that you have to make your keyboards intuitive: And if the numbers like credit card numbers and mobile phone numbers, dial-pad intuitively show up. 
  • Moreover, the ultimate make forms to scroll up to the next empty form field as once the user fills a field. 

Automate Data Entry with Visuals

In this factor you need to ready your few things as per the demand for automation data entry isuals. And for this feature, you need to address them lookup, auto-suggestion, and auto-detection to help your users fill forms and complete data entry activities faster.

Further, due to this scenario the app users can easily fill in their address faster using the address lookup feature.

Although the auto-suggestions are everywhere now in this digital world. 

Final Thoughts on UI and UX Mistakes

But we all see there are several designers and developers do the same mistake various time from user interface and user experience errors. 

Several professionals make a mistake but you have to cover this and make a solid mobile app for your next project. And only a user experience error simply is not prioritizing for the Magento search. You have to make the app’s content highly searchable and the interface search-friendly.

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