The world is fast moving and people are trying to catch up with it. Technology is one aspect which is helping them to get along with the changing trends. Performing tasks with the help of the internet have become a common factor. Online shopping is one thing which people are very much acquainted with in Today’s world.
EBay is the plethora of the online shopping world. It is a place for us to find anything to everything. They have been making efforts to serve the people in a better way. Now, they have made an initiative to bring the real world and the virtual world together. So it is time for the online shopaholics to try the all new virtual reality headset by eBay.
What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual Reality is a well known term used to create an artificial circumstance. Right opposite to that of the traditional user interfaces, the Virtual Reality places the folks in a different environment. Instead of examining the screen in front of them, the folks are immersed and able to interact with the three-dimensional world. By exciting as many senses possible, such as vision, hearing, touch etc the computer is transformed into a doorman to this artificial world.
Virtual Reality Technology
The Virtual Reality’s most vital component is the HMD (Head Mounted Display). The Human beings are considered to be the optical fellows and the immersive Virtual Reality Systems and the traditional user interfaces differ only in one term which is known to be a display technology.
The virtual reality users are to be increased?
The Global virtual reality active users it is said to develop between the year 2016 and 2021. In future, the virtual reality market is going to experience a huge metamorphosis driven by advances in devices, apps, components, communication etc. The main aim of virtual reality is to provide a new knowledge using the reality imitation in a virtual environment.
Types of Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality has been used in the interactive video games, three-dimensional movies, television programs etc. On the other side of the flip, a tiny cell phone screen could not get the knowledge of Virtual Reality.
Fully Immersive
For a satisfied Virtual Reality experience, three major things are required. The first one is a lavish virtual world to explore. The second thing is that a computer model or simulation. In other words, we can say that a powerful computer can detect what is going around and adjust the knowledge accordingly in real-time.
The third thing is that a hardware that is integrated to the computer that fully drenches the folks in the real world. It can be called as a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) with multiple screens and a quality sound. Alternatively, the folks can also experience this situation with the condition of good loudspeakers.
A good working conditioned bum on a home personal computer is said to be in a condition of non-immersive one, specifically if it uses a wide screen with the headphones and a good working condition joystick and the other controls. The expert might develop a detailed three-dimensional model of a new building to show the customers that can be examined on a personal computer with the help of the mouse. Most of the people would prefer this type of virtual reality. In a similar manner, the technicians create three-dimensional models that one can move around and examine.
The actual fact is that Virtual reality typically is not a collaborative one. The main idea of broadcasting knowledge in a virtual world is to share with the other folks, in the present era.
Virtual Reality is one of the new and fastest technologies in the early days but a sudden and quick rise of the Web component has become popular one, more than that of the Virtual Reality. Even though the experts developed a way of inserting the virtual words on the web, the folks were much more curious in the Web development. The World Wide Web gave new ways to access the real reality, to search data, share thoughts, ideas and experiences with friends and the colleagues through Social Media. The Social Media has more interest in this technology.
What is Augmented Reality?
The mobile devices like Smartphone and the tablets have made our lives easier one. Augmented Reality is totally concerned about connecting the real world that a person knowledge to the vast virtual world of information that are eventually created on the World Wide Web.
The eBay tie up with Myer
Recently, eBay and Myer, the Australian Marketplace has tied up in order to launch what they are debiting as the world’s first virtual reality department store. The folks can browse number of Meyer products, which can be selected and added to the cart through ecommerce eBay Search. The virtual reality department store connects to the existing website application programming interface and enables Meyer’s product range, pricing, stock information etc to be updated at any time. There are specially designed virtual reality audiences in order to begin the Virtual Reality shopping. The companies have exclaimed that there are about fifteen thousand products available for free. The Australian folks can download the eBay Virtual Reality Department Store on their Mobile phones respectively and insert their phone with help of the app in order to start the virtual shopping knowledge.
With the help of the new department store, the consumers can select the areas of interest at the initial stage, and the store will be custom built around the necessities of the folks. Using the option of the eBay Search, the customers will be able to view a product in the store, and by holding their view on it, the product selected will be automatically move towards them. The top most hundred products can be viewed in the three-dimensional view, while more than eight thousand products can be viewed in the two-dimensional view. To get information about a product, the users have to more concentrate on the data icons and if they wish to purchase something all they have to do is select the Basket icon.
How does Augmented Reality Works?
Here the shopper selects the specific area of interest and move through the store, the technology suggests other available products that might be liked by the customers.
The consumers view a product in the store and select by holding their long on it, with the top hundred products available in the three dimensional view and nearly twelve thousand products in the two dimensional view.
The folks look at the data icons in order to receive the complete product specifications like price, availability of the materials and the shipping details etc.
The consumers select the option Add to Basket in order to complete their purchase through the e-commerce eBay App.
Finally, we can say that this virtual reality headset is going to be really helpful for the people who shop things online. It is more captivating and interesting when compared with the shopping which is done online on a Smart device. So, folks go ahead and grab on to the headsets and go on the shopping spree.
Author Bio :-
Anand Rajendran is the Co-Founder and CEO of Zoplay a well known Software products development and Mobile App Development Company based in Chennai, India. He has extensive experience in building and leading innovative and collaborative software development teams to deliver major software applications like Zobay an Ebay clone script developed by Zoplay. He loves exploring new things and sharing his knowledge with others.