SEO & Web Service

Companies are tracking you on FB. Did you know that?

Companies are tracking you on FB. Did you know that? We all love to sue Facebook. Don’t we? Well, just like you I and millions of others who use FB on a daily basis don’t spend quite some time on this social media platform and share our personal information on this tool. However, not many of us are aware of the fact that the information that we are sharing here is being sold by the company to advertisers. Comes as a shock, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, this article will help you to avoid this shock and save you from being tracked by marketing companies on Facebook.  Well, the answer to this comes in the form of blocking ad-tracking! Blocking Ads Now the question that comes here is how you can block this option? Following these steps mentioned below will help you in the cause – 1. Click on the lock icon on the Facebook page 2. Go to the settings menu 3. Select the ads option 4. Click on the edit option in individual section of ads This will reflect how your ID is being used in the ads seen by people. And, at the bottom of the window you will find there is a drop down menu named ‘pair my social actions with ads for’. From the drop down you need to select ‘no one’ as the option. That was all about ads! Now, let us drift towards apps. Blocking Apps Here are the steps that you need to follow for blocking apps from using your account in FB – 1. Click on the lock icon on the Facebook page 2. You can either choose to view the walkthrough (a blue dinosaur will help you in it)  3. Or delve deeper into the matter by going to settings and then selecting the apps option. 4. This will put forward the list of company apps which apparently are following you on Facebook     5. Click on the show all option to ensure that you have the entire list in front of you. 6. Hover the mouse on individual apps to edit apps’ permission settings or simply delete it. That’s about it! Apart from all this, there’s another piece of information that can help you stay safe from this breach of privacy.  Apps other use (in the settings) This option will reflect you the data your friends see, which is being seen by the apps used by your friends. You can simply uncheck the boxes to share only that information which you want others to see. Sounds fairly simple? So, what’s the wait? Pick up your personal computer and start with process of making your profile free of ads and apps. With a little effort, you can eventually get it all done!

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Digital Marketing tips to create a win-win situation always

We all know that Digital marketing has emerged as one of the most important aspects for business. promotion these days. But, still this is one aspect where majority of the businesses are lacking these days. If you are looking to take your business to the next level and wondering what could be done for the same, then here are some digital marketing tips that are going to help – 1. Focus on user experience One of the first things that you need to do while working on your digital marketing endeavours is to focus on giving users something that they expect. After all, your ultimate target is to increase your visibility and get more number of people to view your business. This is something that will fetch you more leads. In short, a better business for years to come. And, that’s what matters in the end. Isn’t it so? 2. Don’t simply sell With the emergence of social media, marketing has evolved from being a means to simply sell to a platform where businesses tend to connect with their users. User experience has become more valued for the businesses, and buyers have become smarter. This is the reason that the old school techniques to just sell, sell and sell are of use no longer. Rather it has become more about how you present your business. 3. Shift towards mobile As times have changed, so have the marketing trends. During recent times, there has been a huge boom in the mobile and smartphone market. This is the reason that there has been focus more towards making websites mobile friendly. In fact, Google has recently shared their latest update on mobile marketing becoming integral part of their search engine rankings. Therefore, if you have been avoiding mobile update for your website, then it is high time you get it done. 4. Be relevant last, but not the least, factor that can add to your overall success in digital marketing is relevancy. As already stated, customers have become smarter these days. So, you need to provide them with relevant content that they can connect with. Considering the fact that there is such cutthroat competition in the market, it becomes important that you offer your customers something that they are not getting anywhere else. That’s about it. With these simple tried and tested tips, you can eventually go ahead and make the most of your digital marketing strategies and growing scope. Don’t forget that the world have evolved from the old age to digital age, and now movingly swiftly towards mobile age. By keeping all the above things in the back of your mind you can take your digital marketing gimmicks to the next level and see how things start to transform. So, what are you waiting for?

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Is your Google Analytics Report messed up with Referral Traffic?

Is your Google Analytics Report messed up with Referral Traffic? Did you observe your Google Analytics Report carefully this time? If not, then probably you should right now, because there has been a huge attack of spammers on the web, who are trying new methods to mess up your website. Here’s what I mean when I say an Referral Traffic attack – 1. Go through the report, did you notice an increase in traffic? 2. Find the exact site pages where the link occurs, thanks to Google’s help. 3. Go to Traffic Source, then click on referrals in the analytics reports 4. And, the list of sources that are driving traffic to your site Now take a look at the report deeply. You might have observed that there are some fake referrals amongst the real ones. Links such as; List of latest referral spam bots websites: forum непереводимая.рф and many more like these, all these are spam links that are not linking to your site, but represent fake referrals. What do these fake referrals do? Well, the answer is simple they trick you to visit spamming sites. Once you click on these referral sites, they will redirect you to some shady website for online shopping or even a malware site. What will these spam site links do to your website? The answer is simply lesser engagement on your site. If you review the data from the analytics reports, you can easily visualize that as a result of increased spam referral links on your website, the engagement numbers are definitely going to see a decline. While you might be dreaming about huge traffic on the site, Bounce Rate, Pages/Session, and Avg. Session Duration are definitely going to see a decline. So, now you can easily have an idea about the impact that these spam links are going to have on your website. How to get rid of this trouble? 1. Use view filters – making use of the Google filters provided in the analytics report to good use can help you eliminate the trouble caused by these fake referral links. However in order to achieve that you need to try different techniques and use slightly novel filters. 2. Get rid of ghost referrals – if you are not versed with the term, then ghost referrals are ones which are generated in your reports by fake visits and spread spammy data into your Google Analytics report. 3. Taking care of non-ghost referrals – contrary to the ghost referrals, certain spammer bots visit your site and can’t be removed by using simple techniques as are used in non-ghost referral removal. So, you need to find non-ghost spammers and then get rid of them in order to make your analytics report clean. Follow step by step approach to better get rid from Spam traffic: Well, that’s about it from my end for this time. Hope you have understood the impact that these spam bots can make on your website, and how can you eliminate them! Have a happy experience with the tricks mentioned above and de-clutter your analytics report from all the mess that has been created.

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Fetch as Google Tool – the new way to index your Website and content faster

There’s plenty of stuff that Google webmaster tool has at offer for running a website smooth. Of all the major tools that you will find in the webmaster armory, Fetch As Google option has come across as the most efficient way to submit your URL to the index. However, it is a big surprise that not many of the webmasters utilize this tool to its full potential. It speeds things up considerably for the new content that you might have and would want to be discovered and found in the SERPs. If you are amongst those website owners who simply publish new web pages or blog posts and then sit back, and wait for them to show up in the Google search results, then it is high time you try using the Fetch as Google tool. Think of it as just like pressing a magic button. According to Google “they will crawl the URL using this method usually within a day”. And, as per what I have observed, pages and blog posts published using this tool show up in the SERPs in less than 5 minutes. So, how can you use it? Well, let us take a look – ) To begin with, you need to go to the webmasters tool, select the domain name, to expand the Crawl menu, and then click Fetch as Google menu link. The next step is to enter your website URL in the input field and click the fetch button. Before you move to the next step make sure that the fetch was successful. Once the Googlebot fetches your page, you can go ahead and submit that page to Google index. There’s an option to submit either the URL or URL along with the linked pages as well. You can submit a maximum number of 10 linked URL’s that you can submit per month. And, this will help Google understand that your website is the place where your content originated. Don’t let other website steal your content and outrank you with ease. Here’s what Matt Cutts has to say how you can avoid such a situation – “Google crawls site A every hour and site B once in a day. Site B writes an article, site A copies it changing time stamp. Site A gets crawled first by Googlebot. Whose content is original in Google’s eyes and rank highly? If it’s A, then how does that do justice to site B?” That’s almost all that I have to say about ‘Adding the Fetch as Google’ tool to your armory and make the most of your online marketing gimmicks. Is there anything else that you would like to add to it? Well, feel free to our contact us form.  

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How to get more likes on Instagram pictures?

There are 500 million active users on Instagram every month, Instagram is the second in social media popularity, first being Facebook. It is a photo and video sharing network for users and brands. According to research users upload more than 95 million pictures and videos on daily basis, and these posts accumulate 4.2 billion likes on daily basis. If the post is done correctly it can gather up to tens of thousands of likes. Not just celebrities on Instagram get so many likes, so does active users. A brand using Instagram have observed per follower interaction rate of 2.26 percentage, which is much more than Facebook (0.22) and almost 100 times twitter (0.027). Instagram has a huge level of user engagement which is why it provides an important way to connect with fans (or potential fans) to create a sense of brand loyalty that is very difficult to achieve through traditional marketing or even other social networks. To engage users on your account, you need to grab their attention which can be only done by Instagram likes.  Generating likes on Instagram is a difficult task. Adding hashtags, putting captions, tagging people, actively posting pictures are few ways you can get likes on your picture. If you are looking for a simpler way then we have one for you. Our app “Get Likes on Instagram” generates as many likes as you wish for on your favorite Instagram picture. Here we have discussed some features of this app which will help you make a better and well-informed decision.  Easy to use Every person looks for an app which is easy to use. The purpose of the app should be solved in a few clicks and does include any complications. Looking through the screenshots of the app and reading the description and review is done only to check if the app is user-friendly and easy to work on. Our app is designed in such a way that it is very simple for every user to understand it. By a few clicks and within few minutes you can get as many likes as you wish.  Maintains Security  The main concern for a user while looking for an Instagram hack app is the risk or the security of private pictures of a person. This app guarantees the users security and maintains their privacy. The app can only access the picture u allow it to use. All other picture in the gallery or Instagram pictures are secure and cannot be accessed by the app without permission of the users.  Completely free of cost  While finding an app which enhances your experience of Instagram, the user first looks at the list of free apps. Our app includes all the essential feature and to top it up is free of cost. When you download the app is it completely free of cost, there is no sign-up charges and we help you get the likes on your pictures without any cost included. No hidden charges at all. 

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