Our life is connected to technology in one way or another, for everyone. When we talk about Internet of Things, we know that it is making news for all the good and bad reasons. But, how is it going to impact our life in the longer run? What are the goods? What are the bad ones? In this post, we are going to discuss about all that and lots more. First of all, let us have a look at the good impact of Internet of Things on our life – The Good ones Seamless communications one of the many good things about IoT is that it makes communication easy. Communication is needed not just in our professional life, but in personal life as well. The term used here is Machine to machine communication (M2M). Transparency, lesser inefficiency, and greater quality – all this is going to be the result of IoT in the future. We all have started to experience the impact of IoT in our everyday life, with smarter gadgets and tools. And, the impact it is going to have on our communication levels will be huge! Better automation and control The Internet of Things is bringing a huge positive impact on the way we are moving towards automation. With physical objects getting connected and controlled at a digital scale, the level of automation and control in the working is going to be huge. And, that’s one of the biggest positive impacts the internets of Things is going to have on our life! Time and money But, the best thing we all can expect to get from the rise of the Internet of things is the amount of time and money it saves for all of us. By making equipment communicate with humans, the internet of things is saving not just a lot of energy, but time and money as well. It makes things more efficient, as we can communicate with them in real-time and save time and money! The bad ones Now coming to things about IoT which we need to worry about – just like there are good things, there are always bad things related to technology as well. So, let us take a look at those things which we need to worry about – No standardization So far, there has been no standardization of the access that we need to give to IoT. How much is too much? Is technology penetrating too much in our life? That’s the one big question that everyone is asking. And, that’s the biggest reason why people are still complacent about trying out the Internet of Things at a massive level. Although, the positive response for this technology is huge, there are people who are against it as well. Complexity The more complex the systems become, the more are the chances of their failure. That’s the biggest concern with IoT. Considering the fact that equipment is becoming more and more complex with every passing day, it also brings an increased risk of their failure as well. Therefore, you can never really confirm how much is too much with IoT. Vulnerable Another major thing that can give a nightmare to anyone is the fact that with a single hacker attack, everything can be gone in an instant. All your personal information can be a goner in a moment! And, this is the reason that unless there are any guidelines or standards set for the security of IoT voices will be raised against it. Yes, with smart homes, smart cities, and smarter devices life is going to be a lot easier. But, there are still a lot questions on its positives and negatives. The good can very quickly turn on to become bad and even more quickly things can turn out ugly. So, as long as there are no certain steps or measures taken to control the access or penetration that technology is going to have in our life, I’m not sure we can move towards the adoption of IoT in our life. Only time will tell whether we are able to achieve success with IoT as we want to! So, let us just wait and watch!
The Best Examples To Help You Understand IoT Better IoT is quickly changing things around us. And, it won’t be wrong to state that there are already so many changes that this technology has brought for us. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the most common examples of IoT that are present around us, but we don’t even realize. So, let us have a look at the best examples of IoT that will help in developing a better understanding of this technology – 1. Talking toys (Hello Barbie) Perhaps the most unusual name on this list, but the most important one is Hello Barbie. Touted to be the first doll that can engage children in learning, playing games, telling jokes, storytelling and more, this is the most significant example of what IoT is going to help us achieve in the future. The dolls come with Wi-Fi compatibility that means all the data it receives or delivers is stored in the cloud. The doll communicates with you in real-time, making it as close to the human experience as possible. And, that can be a great thing for developing toys for future kids! 2. A refrigerator that talks One of the most significant achievements that IoT has managed to make it in that it has simplified our lifestyle. And, will continue to do so. The Family Hub refrigerator launched by Samsung at CES this January is just the perfect example of that. It comes with a 21.5 inch HD LCD display that allows you to use your phone for posting, pin photos write notes as well as use a calendar on the same. Plus, you can also look at content inside the refrigerator using the same. And, it simply does not end here. You can even use it to do stuff like managing recipes, do online shopping and more. So, you can see where the future is headed now? 3. A mascara that’s connected to technology Wouldn’t it be great if you had someone to tell you how to use the makeup accessories that you have, in the best possible manner? Well, the connected mascara from L’Oreal is one such thing that will do so. Combining the expertise of IoT with the innovation of 3D printing techniques, the company is going to bring something in the future that can help you to do just that. And, that’s not all; they are also working on a 3D printing product in order to print mass amounts of human skin. This will help them to create a skin prototype so that testing on animals becomes less and harmless products for human skin can be developed easily. 4. Lighting smarter cities Have you ever overlooked out of the window when your airplane lands? The city skyline is just amazing. Isn’t it? However, when you compare it to that of a rural area, then there’s a stark contrast. This is a clear indication of how we are wasting the most precious resource on lighting buildings just for the sake of decoration, whereas there are areas that can use this electricity for so much more. The good news is that some company named Altiux is working towards bringing a change in this. Using their real time plant analytics, they are working towards helping enterprises reduce operational costs by optimization of energy usage. And, this can be an important step in the development of smart cities. The company claims that their system can determine where illumination is needed and was not so as to lower costs and save energy. Much needed I’d say. Isn’t it so? Those were some of the most common examples of IoT that you are soon going to see is available for you in the market. The rate at which the development of these products and technology is taking place, it won’t be long before IoT takes over the market completely. And, the benefits that it brings along – it won’t be wrong to state that it is going to be revolutionary. But, all we have to do now wait and watch where the technology reaches and what the pinnacle of IoT is. Whatever it is going to be, it will be for the good of humans that’s for sure! Top Internet of Things apps you must know about! Planning to invest in IoT? Consider these tips first!
Top Internet of Things apps you must know about! Internet of Things is turning up the heat. With major business names like Amazon and more entering the battlefield in support of IoT, it is no wonder that the hype created around this technology is definitely worth it. In our last post, we discussed what this technology is all about and how it is going to change the future of mankind. In this post we have compiled the list of IoT apps that are gaining popularity day by day. Take a look at them and see where the future is going to take us with this technology – 1. Wearable technology Apple’s smartwatch is perhaps the best example that fits here. With the launch of the apple watch, the world entered a new horizon of technology. Apart from this revolutionary technology, we have also seen the rise of other smart gadgets like LookSee bracelet, Sony Smart B Trainer, and Myo gesture control devices. All these are just some of the examples of what this technology holds in the future for us. 2. Smart homes Smart homes have been leading the charts when someone talks about the most popular IoT apps. If we look at the numbers then you will be amazed to know that among the companies that are investing in IoT, the majority of them are active in smart home industry. As a matter of fact, the funding in this industry is estimated to be close to $2.5billion. So, you can see how popular these smart homes are becoming with every passing day! 3. Smart cars Google’s self-driving cars have been making news for the past quite some time. But, that’s just the beginning. With other tech giants like Microsoft and Apple also announcing their internet in these self-driving connected cars, it won’t be long before we see the road filled with these smart cars. And, the cars that we are driving today will become completely obsolete. 4. Smart city The concept of a smart city lies in the fact that technology will be responsible for automatically managing traffic, waste management, water distribution and almost everything else that is needed to run a city. IoT promises to solve the troubles that we face in our cities on a daily basis. From traffic congestions to pollution reduction and more, IoT has got a solution for all that! 5. Digital Health The health industry holds great promise for business owners. And, IoT promises to make that future even brighter. Connected healthcare systems, smart medical devices and lots more; the horizons of digital health are beyond what a layman can even think of. Although digital has not been able to make its mark quite yet, the future it holds is definitely promising! 6. Smart farms I am not sure most of you would have even heard of this technology. However, smart farms are definitely going to be the next big thing that IoT has got in store for mankind. The biggest challenge, however, lays in the fact that farming operations are carried out in remote places. This is the reason that there has not been much development in this field up until now. But, the rate at which IoT is making process it won’t be long before we start to see things picking up the pace! 7. Smart retail and supply chains From tracking goods and imaging supplies to inventory management, things have been getting smarter in the market of supply chain over these years. And, IoT is to be thanked for all this! But, when we talk about smart retail proximity-based advertising, it is one of the first things that are worth mentioning. These were some of the most popular apps that IoT has brought forward for us over recent years. But, this is just a few of the names. Apart from these, things like smart grids, industrial internet and many more are lurking around, which are going to make a huge impact in the coming times. With all that being said, there is no doubt about the fact that the future of IoT is quite bright, and it is going to transform the way we humans have been carrying out things over the past so many ages. If you want to stay updated on the latest happenings in IoT, Planning to invest in IoT? Consider these tips first! and keep reading our blogs in the future!
The New phenomena, the Internet of things is all about gathering and processing information, applying analytics on the cloud and make it valuable. Companies have to identify several transactions that IoT creates including both the physical and virtual world before investing in it, especially when companies do not have any knowledge about deploying this technology. Here we have discussed tips that the company should take into account before investing in IoT. Keeping in the loop with IoT service provider Every company should start early involvement with the IoT Service provider as they can help in finding out the value it can bring to the organization. IoT service provider can give an assessment of the current scenario and helps the company in getting an insight of the efforts needed for implementing IoT and the profit it can bring for the customer and the organization. The IoT service provider should be decided by keeping in mind the engineering capabilities of the industry. These are the key characteristics of an ideal IoT service provider. Consulting Customizable IoT Platform Open IoT Platform Connected devices Integrated services Managing Services Testing Investing in Pilot Project The organization should keep some amount of budget aside for Implementing IoT as it will help in qualifying the business and will also give an insight into the challenges they will face. Companies can find projects that allow the pay-per-use cloud to conduct these pilot projects. Build the project on existing models Companies need to evaluate the existing assets which can be used to build a roadmap of IoT. Integrating IoT with existing devices and software. To integrate all the products together it will require understanding the company’s requirement for existing devices as a standard. Closely evaluate technological Shift Technology is fast evolving. If a company is planning to shift its business model in terms of IoT and building a strategy to enter into the digital world. Then the company should consider the technology and protocols beforehand. The company needs to understand how it will impact the business in the long run.