Ans: Well, I’ve worked on similar projects, I know the key requirements well and I’m not making anything up while posting for this job. Based on all this, I am sure you would find me the best professional to work on your project.
Ans: In IT everything is challenging. And, trust me knowledge and ability to implement that knowledge to practical use is what leads to success in this field. And, as you can see from my portfolio, I’ve managed to successfully complete similar projects in the past. So, I’m sure the right fit for the project.
13. Why should i choose you over the other 100 that have applied for this Job? Ans: I’m glad that you asked this question. Although you can find that there are hundreds of others who have applied for this job, yet my strategy to the project is different. I have a clean plan worked for your project, not to forget that I’ve had a good experience of working on similar projects.
Ans: To begin with I’d like to begin with planning the entire process and breaking it into small milestones according to the job description. With proper planning and clear communication, I’d be able to complete the project within short period of time.
9.) Which of the required job skills do you feel you are strongest at? Ans: Based on the job requirement I’ve managed to see that there are ______ areas of expertise required for this job. As I’ve had my share of experience of working on similar projects, I can see myself perfect working on all of these areas.