If you have already experienced problems hosting your websites or apps on shared hosting, and buying a physical server is not in your plans, try to rent a VPS. Such a service will cost less than renting a dedicated server, but at the same time, its functionality is much greater than that of shared hosting.
Rent VPS to Get Control of Its Management
Some companies dream of having their own server for the smooth operation of their digital platforms and applications. However, buying a physical device is impractical because of the high cost, the need for its maintenance, etc. In this case, an ideal option is to rent VPS server, since it provides the same features as its physical counterpart. Try to rent virtual server in trial mode on the DeltaHost platform https://deltahost.com/vps.html to see its impressive advantages over shared hosting.
Advantages and Disadvantages of VPS Rental
- Thanks to the VPS server, you will not depend on the technologies offered by the shared hosting service provider. You can choose which operating system and software to install on dedicated and virtual servers.
- You can buy Windows VPS server to save on purchasing different licenses in parts and their installation, which is offered in this case for free.
- You will become the owner of your own IP address. This means that your shared hosting “neighbors” will not be able to compromise your company with their illegal activities.
However, to rent a virtual server, you must be prepared for its system administration. In addition, the tariff plan will be slightly higher than in the case of shared hosting. Still, these costs will be much lower than maintaining your own physical server.
Rent virtual servers from DeltaHost provider to get a high level of technical support, advantageous tariff plans, free panel and free administration, and more. VPS is a whole lot better and more advanced service than shared hosting. It is worth evaluating it at least in the trial period to understand what benefits it gives you.